International Scientific Conference PANIC2024

D21/0-007 - 007 (Centrum Wiedzy i Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej)

D21/0-007 - 007

Centrum Wiedzy i Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej,17.057613,18z/data=!4m16!1m9!3m8!1s0x470fe9d537a65c53:0xd3d8d644c240d69c!2sStrefa+Otwartej+Nauki!8m2!3d51.1095551!4d17.0576131!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11c1wwxdw5!3m5!1s0x470fe9d537a65c53:0xd3d8d644c240d69c!8m2!3d51.1095551!4d17.0576131!16s%2Fg%2F11c1wwxdw5?hl=pl&entry=ttu
Kamil Bruchal, Karolina Saczuk, Marharyta Hancharova, Mikołaj Tkotz

PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference (PANIC) is an interdisciplinary, English-language event hosted at Wrocław University of Science and Technology consistently for the past 14 years. The event is aimed at students and doctoral candidates from around the world who are engaged in research related to chemistry, physics, and biology. The conference's thematic focus is directly linked to the activities of the Scientific Circle, encompassing nanophotonics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and supplemented with topics from materials engineering and nonlinear optics.

During the conference, doctoral candidates and young scientists from Polish and foreign universities will have the opportunity to present the results of their research. Participants will have the chance to attend lectures delivered by world-class professors conducting research at universities, institutes, and research centers ranked highly in the Shanghai Ranking.

The PANIC 2024 conference will be accompanied by a symposium for students called PhoBiA Student Photonics Symposium (PS)2. During this event, students will have the opportunity to present the results of their research in the form of scientific posters. Similar accompanying events have taken place during previous editions of the PANIC conference.

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